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A member registered Nov 13, 2020

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Yes, this has been near my conclusion, but yours seems more apt. I thought it had to do with no enemy cards on the field and buttplug, but I thought positioning was part of it too. Always seemed like 3rd slot buttplug car froze game, but then I guess there might have been cards on the field, but I don't recall.

Yeah, aside from the 8hr free card and progressing to further stages, there's no way to farm earlier stages for cards. Even when you max out the stage you only get cash and viagra.

I'm not 100% on this, but it seems like if you put a card with the buttplug out in 3rd slot it freezes, though I've had it freeze with a buttplug card in the 2nd slot too, but less often. It's still a waste of energy because sometimes you get crap opening draws, and playing around the buttplug glitch leaves you with limited plays.

I'm also dealing with freezing as well. Will this ever be fixed? Will we ever be compensated for the trouble?I want to play this game. When it doesn't freeze, I enjoy it. Please fix the game.